The brief called for a representation of an agora, a vision of citizens and their voice in the European Union.Often criticized for being an isolated bubble, redesigning Place Schulman as a green and sculptural space that engaged users and connects citizens and decision makers from the buildings in its surroundings. Its location is critical and being a round plaza facing the metro it is a space for citizens to pass on the way to the park or interact with the sculptural street furniture.
Far from isolation, the seating’s twisted form is inclusive, at the beginning and end the at surfaces and in the curves the dark granite seating provides comfort for small groups of people. It has no right or wrong use and is an invitation to all, we often do not strangers on benches anymore. The concrete and dark granite represent a dialogue where one can stand without an another, they each hold each other in place. It represents how despite di erences, direction or topography we are one mass. At the center of this sculptural seating are permeable paving using recycled materials. Knowledge and the promise of the future lies in learning from the past and green spaces are part of tactical urbanism and ghting cli- mate change.The black arc pathway is a transition from the past: from a verdant, pure landscape to the growth of cities, trade, transport that has led us to today and the future of a more ecoconscious future that learns and reintegrates materials with green infrastructure.
The outer rim of circle is more of an oasis, in between the lavender and almond trees, using a green stone as a balance to the dark marble and green area. Serves as an intermediary between the EU Commission Headquarters, EEAS and the UK Representation to the EU or on the way to the Parc du Cinquantenaire or metro.